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Primary Water: The Other Hydrology

"Dowsing works when there’s a need not greed."

- The American Dowsing Association

What Is Primary Water?

Have you ever wondered why on Earth (pun intended) is there all this talk about a water crisis? Isn’t this the Water Planet, the Blue Planet, after all? Well, it turns out that most of this water isn’t really usable to us. It’s not all tap water.

That’s what they’re telling us anyway.

In school we learn that 71% of the planet is covered with water. About 96% of it is very salty ocean water. Then roughly 3% of our precious H2O is frozen in the icecaps and glaciers. And barely 1% is fresh water flowing through creeks, streams, rivers and lakes. To make it worse, some of it is stored away underground, in the atmosphere, or locked up in biomass.

There you have it; the water crisis at your doorstep!

But what if this is just part of the picture? What if there IS more to the meaning of Water Planet? What if there’s another (geo-)hydrological cycle supplying vast amounts of clean, potable fresh water right underneath your feet? Maybe you would dismiss this idea as crazy talk. And you wouldn’t be alone.

It seems unthinkable that after all this time nobody would have come forward to present any evidence of this. Why? It would be life-changing for hundreds of millions of people worldwide if they had.

But wait! They did!

There is in fact a lot of published science supporting the existence of water stored in the Earth’s crust. It’s been described as volcanic water, crustal water, juvenile water or what we call primary water. Below is just a fraction of the more recent scientific evidence:

· 2022 Smithsonian Magazine – How the Earth’s Mantle Sends Water Up Toward the Surface: ”[...] within the first several hundred kilometers below the crust—there is another ocean. It is, most likely, the largest ocean in the world.”

· 2021 study – Mantle rain toward the Earth's surface: A model for the internal cycle of water: “[...] we find that ~1 ocean mass of water is stored in the entire upper mantle today.”

· 2020 Oxford Reference – A Dictionary of Geology & Earth Sciences: “juvenile water; original water, formed as a result of magmatic processes. Juvenile water has never been in the atmosphere. Magmatic water can form in very large quantities.”

· 2019 study –The quench control of water estimates in convergent margin magmas: [...] pre-eruptive dissolved H2O content using petrologic and geochemical modeling have been used to argue that some arc magmas are as hydrous as 16 wt% H2O.

· 2018 study – Water input into the Mariana subduction zone estimated from ocean-bottom seismic data: “Combined with estimates of subducting crustal water, these results indicate that at least 4.3 times more water subducts than previously calculated [...].”

· 2017 – Planet Earth makes its own water from scratch deep in the mantle: “We show it’s possible to have water forming in Earth’s natural environment, rather than being of extraterrestrial origin.”

· 2015 – USGS : A Quick Summary of the Water Cycle: “Volcanic activity kept and still keeps introducing water in the atmosphere, thus increasing the surface- and ground-water volume of the Earth.”

· 2014 – Nature : Tiny diamond impurity reveals water riches of deep Earth: “Mineral never before found on Earth points to a vast reservoir in the mantle.”

· 2002 study – Oceans Of Water In The Earth's Core: “If even a percent of water in the core will amount to ten times more water than that present in the oceans.”

and there is so much more...

A good read which summarizes the findings supporting the presence of primary water can be found in the 2006 edition of Earth’s Deep Water Cycle (volume 168) by the American Geophysical Union.

The groundbreaking idea here is that our well-known (puns intended) hydrological cycle is only one of two existing water cycles on this planet:

1. the atmospheric water cycle driven by the solar energy

2. the (ignored?) primary water cycle driven by Earth’s deep water cycle

Earth’s crust already contains H2O. The so-called hydrous transition zone exists some 400 miles deep into the mantle where all the necessary factors of pressure, temperature and catalysts exist to synthesize hydrogen and oxygen to create H2O in all its forms: crystals in our basement rock and super-heated water vapor. This pressurized vapor is pushed back up through the faults and fissures of our planet’s fractured crust like “mantle rain”. As is cools it becomes liquid again. Voilà, primary water!

How do we tap into it?

As illustrated in image [2] primary water sometimes makes it all the way to the surface, resulting in...a natural spring! Closer to the surface, this primary water recharges groundwater aquifers from below—something the standard model refuses to include in their models. If we look at older literature and ancient texts, this is not new science. In fact, primary water has been tapped into for millennia. This regenerative water source is independent from precipitation, droughts and contamination from human activity. To locate it you need an experienced water surveyor.

Primary Water Well Locators has developed a methodology to locate sustainable primary water wells.

The survey equipment is light and can be deployed by walking, in a vehicle, and even from a drone—allowing for efficient coverage of large areas. The use of a gamma scintillation counter together with a passive seismic device helps identify faults and fissures. They highlight wet versus dry fracture zones and visualize underground zones of mechanical weakness. The final report explains the data maps and profiles while providing data on the specific sites selected for drilling. This creates value for the future development of the property.

This is our process for finding primary water:

  1. Produce a free preliminary map and well analysis

  2. Conduct a field geophysical survey

  3. Mobilize crew and water survey equipment for exploration of the survey site

  4. Collect wide-area gamma and baseline deep RAP seeking patterns and correlations

  5. Process on-site data (ground-truth zones of interest) and stake drill site(s)

  6. Document the work with photos and video, demobilize crew and equipment

  7. Analyze with a final analysis and interpretation of field data off-site

  8. Submit final report (summary) within one week

  9. Follow-up throughout and after drilling of well(s) as needed

“Besides rain there is another kind of water by which the interior of the earth is soaked, so that being heated it can continually give off halitus, from which arises a great and abundant force of waters."

- Georgius Agricola (De Re Metallica, translated from the first Latin edition in 1556)


There IS a global water crisis. But this crisis is not caused by a lack of water. Nor is it caused by too many people needing a lot of water. The crisis lies in the concerted ignorance of the scientific evidence of Primary Water. A regenerative sustainable underground source of fresh drinking water, at least 3-4 times as large as the oceans covering this planet. If we only focused on tapping into the primary water wells of our Water Planet, we could flush this crisis down the drain, literally!

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