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What is Primary Water? 1985 Interview with Dr. Stephan Riess

This article is the transcript of the interview that you can watch on YouTube by clicking here.



Titles: The Primary Water Institute and Primary WaterWorks present:

Dr. Stephan Riess on primary water

The last interview, September 22, 1985

With Dr. Wayne Weber and Ross Frazier

In Escondido, California

The term Primary Water was coined by the late Dr. Stephan Riess, the

geophysicist who independently discovered its existence and pioneered

its development from the 1930s until his death in December 1985.

“My discovery was put to a field test by locating and drilling numerous

well. The results obtained to date concern 70 productive wells out of 72 tests, all drilled

in hard rocks, all located in difficult areas and generally judged as

unusable and unproductive. (Dr. Stephan Riess, 1954)

Primary water is a little-known renewable resource that comes from the depths of

Earth. When the conditions are right, oxygen combines with hydrogen to

form new water.

This water is constantly pushed to the surface under great pressure. The water finds

its way to the surface through cracks or faults. Depending on the geology of

ground, primary water may be accessible near the surface or even flow as


Primary water never participated in the hydrological cycle before finally arriving at the

surface. Water in the traditional hydrologic cycle is limited and volumes fluctuate depending on

depending on the available amount of rain and snowmelt. The primary water is

renewable and abundant, whatever the weather conditions.

This invaluable interview with Dr. Stephan Riess, dating from 1985, is featured in his

entirety, regardless of camera movements and picturesque language.

Ross Frazier: We're in Escondido, Sunday, September 22, 1985, and we're following

the teachings of Dr. Stephan Riess, an eminent Earth scientist, in his home

perched on a rocky promontory overlooking the valley, surrounded by massive boulders of

granite. Stephan Riess is a highly controversial scientist who has knowledge

insights into water research around the world.

(He turns to Dr. Stephan Riess): Have you made any recent discoveries at

Escondido in the last three or four months?

Dr. Riess: Yes, we have been able to drill some very good wells and it turns out that both places

are located on the highest parts of the county, 300 meters higher than the stations

Department of Resources pumping station for water supply. The cost in

electricity from pumping water from the Sacramento River to these reservoirs from these stations

here is $93 per acre, and that's poor quality water.

So the current idea is that this well can produce water for a pumping cost

$20 instead of $93 to bring it up from the pipeline to the surface.

Ross Frazier: And without carrying silt or anything of that nature.

Dr. Riess: No. It is clean water.

Ross Frazier: The water here is very pure water, isn't it?

Dr. Riess: She is exceptionally good. It usually has about a third of the

mineral content of Colorado River water.

Ross Frazier: Is it because you extract the primary water from a very deep place?

Dr. Riess: That's because it's primary water that originates from under the crust and is

in the non-oxidizing zone.

Ross Frazier: So it's not oxidized?

Dr. Riess: No.

Ross Frazier: And it doesn't absorb contaminants.

Dr. Riess: It does not dissolve or absorb contaminants, so it is water

superior. It does not need purification or pre-treatment for the system of


Ross Frazier: And you have no, or very little, if any, radiation?

Dr. Riess: Well, there may be fast-dissolving radon that has a lifespan.

about a day in tank water.

Ross Frazier: And radon won't really be a problem here.

Dr. Riess: No, that's not a problem at all.

Ross Frazier: Because his disintegration is so fast.

Dr. Riess: Correct. And in itself, it is not very serious.

Ross Frazier: It wouldn't be like the contaminants that could be harvested at all

following surface nuclear weapons testing.

Dr. Riess: Of course, that's the problem. When they speak of claiming waters,

bad water, which was already bad at the start, from the outlet of the tap

up to industrial use or any other use, which then pass through the routes

sewers, the treatment of this water is absolute madness.

Ross Frazier: It's not necessary because...

Dr. Riess: This is ridiculous. An article I received in the newspaper here in front of me today

talks about treating nearly 760 million liters of wastewater for reuse. NOW,

what sane person would want to use sewage?

Ross Frazier: It's not necessary.

Dr. Riess: Absolutely useless.

Ross Frazier: Your water supplies are literally limitless.

Dr. Riess: Of course they are unlimited. They claim that the surface water has

infiltrated for long periods in the rock structure. It is in itself a

impossibility. Totally.

Ross Frazier: She didn't come down through impermeable rock.

Dr. Riess: Nor below the oxidation zone. The pressure is too high for the water to get there.

infiltrate. The rock has twice the pressure or the weight of the water itself. And the water is

incompressible. Completely incompressible. Rock is more compressible than water. That,

we have known that for a very long time.

Ross Frazier: The incompressibility of water has been known for many years.

Dr. Riess: That's why it's used in industry to check the

pressure. And to talk about water reclamation from wastewater use

to supply the needs, it is ridiculous. Absolutely not necessary. Absolutely.

Ross Frazier: So even the best water that can be obtained from the cycle of

water, is, by standards, poor quality water compared to the water you

found under the surface of this granite.

Dr. Riess: That's right. As soon as rainwater reaches the ground, it begins to

absorb pollutants. Always.

Ross Frazier: Any soluble elements that can be absorbed will be. All the

contaminants that precipitation removes from the atmosphere as it descends to the ground.

Dr. Riess: Absolutely, absolutely…and they're piling up. The problem is here.

Ross Frazier: Now, in health, for public health and for the health of

everyone, water is an absolutely essential ingredient, isn't it?

Dr. Riess: Not only that, but also for the existence of life on the planet, whether

either animal life, human life or vegetation.

Ross Frazier: But all the water that's on the planet right now that's filling the oceans

was ultimately, or primarily, spawned from the source you find

NOW. Is it correct ?

Dr. Riess: All the water currently coming to the surface through deep boreholes can

be a million years old during which it was held underground.

Ross Frazier: And the salinization, also the complexity of seawater is the result

of soluble elements that are extracted from surface waters and discharged into the ocean.

Dr. Riess: Which must have arrived in the ocean by rain runoff. They couldn't

not be there any other way. No. No doubt about it.

Ross Frazier: It's what is commonly called cycle water, or water that is

gone through the cycle of evaporation, cloud formation, precipitation and return

into the ocean via rivers.

Dr. Riess: Why has science and current science education ignored the

presence of approximately 1,500 large wells or springs in the world which range from 40,000 to 750

000 liters per minute permanently…?

Ross Frazier: Since ancient times.

Dr. Riess: Very far in the past, and are actually 2,000, 2,500, 3,000 meters above sea level,

generally in the granitic system. It remains unexplained. We have two wells

America or, if you prefer, sources here in America, which produce 3 billion

liters per day. One is in Missouri and the other is in the western Oregon desert. The one

of Oregon, in the Western Desert of Oregon, feeds the Day River. So where does she come from

? If it was rainwater, by calculating the annual amount of precipitation in

State of Oregon, this river would only flow one month a year.

Ross Frazier: This river (the Day River) flows twelve months a year.

Dr. Riess: Indeed. It flows twelve months, yes.

Dr. Wayne Weber: We talked a bit earlier about some of the differentiations

chemicals and rock compositions based on specific well locations

that you have drilled. Can you tell us more?

Mr. Riess: Yes. The main thing is that you have to study your structure; if you have

volcanic debris from the early Tertiary era, and even earlier, as here in this country,

we are talking about 50 million years before they come out of the ocean. There we have a

contamination produced by decomposition. The minerals break down. They

dissolve. Whether copper, lead, zinc, or any other mineral,

aluminum, they end up in the ocean, and then you find them in the water where there's

a lot of chlorine, you get very chlorinated water and often so bad that it is

absolutely unusable. But in any case, it is very, very harmful to human life, to

plant life.

Dr. Wayne Weber: Are you talking about groundwater here?

Dr. Riess: Yes, groundwater. But when you consider these very

deep, vast, and which generally appear in the form of springs in the

high mountain systems around the world, and which are often lakes, sometimes

great lakes, then you end up having a body of water that could never come from the

precipitation cycle, simply because it is not available. She never has

summer. In a steep mountain range, you can't get more than 8cm

of precipitation per meter of land. And if you have a rain height of 25 cm,

you have about 25 cm of saturated soil. Then it's over, 'cause there's nothing coming down

below 6 to 10 meters.

Ross Frazier: Certainly not your waterproof granite.

Dr. Riess: Not even through the floor.

Ross Frazier: Not even through clay.

Dr. Riess: No. Impossible. It's impossible.

Ross Frazier: So it flows to the surface and it accumulates more contaminants as

and as you go.

Dr. Riess: And she goes into the ocean, and that's the damn problem they have bringing her.

so far when it is polluted if they drill with very shallow holes. If this water

rain runs off and enters the valley, through the very porous sand and gravel, of course,

it sinks, and they call it the water table, which indeed it is.

Ross Frazier: It sinks into the bedrock, but only on the surface of the bed.

Dr. Riess: Just the pelvis. This is pond water. And that's all. And she accumulated

For centuries. Currently, it is being pumped at a rate nine times greater than that of

precipitation. And that's ridiculous. I saw a report today in the paper where they talk about

treat 750 million liters of wastewater per day in the county.

Ross Frazier: Yeah, you mentioned that already.

Dr. Riess: Yeah, well, it's in the paper.

Dr. Wayne Weber: As opposed to the groundwater system in the water table,

we were talking earlier about water coming from the earth in the form of vapour, like you

mentioned it, and you indicated that because it comes in vapor form, it

condenses and it rises through the cracks at that time. Could you develop a

little more about some of the other chemical changes that occur when steaming

go up?

Dr. Riess: Steam typically reduces one percent of its volume to a heavy wet state

of heavy saturated air, then it is usually trapped with the metals and minerals

and remains there for an indefinite period. But finally, she is freed… At the end of

Matters, water will dissolve every substance on this planet, no matter what it is.

Everything is soluble, be it earth, rock, gold, silver, metals, whatever,

she will dissolve it. And that's how. You can analyze sea water and there you will find

virtually all elements in solid form.

Ross Frazier: Every soluble element is in seawater, virtually.

Dr. Riess: There is no doubt about it. But, on the other hand, if you recognize that the

photosynthesis, which is just plant life, grasses, trees, anything green and

alive consumes 2,000 billion liters per day in the world, it is enough water for

absorb the last liter of water from the ocean in less than 3 million years. And what about the

rest of the water? Since the Tertiary era, 15-16 million years ago, the total capacity of

the ocean has risen by a third.

Ross Frazier: Because of the production of this primary water that you're

to extract.

Dr. Riess: Absolutely. It is springing up and manifesting. I have a register of 915

sources and they exceed more than 40,000 to 750,000 liters per day, and for a greater

proportion of them, some reaching millions of liters per day. And generally,

the springs are at the highest point of the mountain range. Not in the


Dr. Wayne Weber: Have you ever done an analysis of the type of structures where these


Dr. Riess: Of course, I locate them based on that. From the moment I know the

crystallography and mineralogy, so I know I can rely on this water of good

quality for drilling.

Dr. Wayne Weber: Crystallography and mineralogy would tell you what the

areas contiguous with what would constitute the magma. What is the link, for example, if you

have a dyke, are springs usually connected to a dyke?

Dr. Riess: Always on a contact zone, whether the dyke is on the surface or not. But it takes

let it be a surface area. Now what people don't know is that I can

go over a thousand acres of land, let's say a whole section on these chains of

mountains and I find variations, 5 to 10 different variations, within a radius of one

kilometer, mineralogically and petrographically. But the average person doesn't see it


Dr. Wayne Weber: Are you talking about the surface structure or the actual structure of the dykes


Dr. Riess: Dykes. There I can determine directly if I have contact with the magma.

Water must come from magma.

Dr. Wayne Weber: But because of the mineralogy and petrology of the dyke, you can

affirm that it is indeed something which is in contact with the magma.

Dr. Riess: Yes, and with the metals it contains, with an analysis of the minerals that are


Dr. Wayne Weber: Mainly the sulphite group.

Dr. Riess: Then I know I'm right and I can dare to drill a well and expect water

really good.

Dr. Wayne Weber: So you might have a situation where you have a dyke here and a

other there, and the mineralogy would be different enough for one to have water

connected but not the other.

Dr. Riess: Yes. Not even thirty yards on the other side of the dyke.

Dr. Wayne Weber: In general, would you see a water-connected dyke here and other dykes at

nearby that are not connected to water?

Dr. Riess: Yes. I would say there are dykes that flow or contain water and

dykes that do not contain water. The dyke itself has no water, but it got to one

given moment and carries it. The mineralization produced the water during the intrusion of the

mineralization. Let's say that a pound of copper or a pound of zinc could have been deposited by

million liters of water. Millions. Read Salzman's book. We calculated how much

gallons of water are needed for one pound of borax. Borax is an element unknown before 50

millions of years. And the largest deposit was apparently found in Kramer, in the

Colorado. But it's Tertiary. It is the newest mineralization on this planet.

Dr. Wayne Weber: So if you have a dyke that you think is water-forming in

because of the rock analysis, the reason the water still comes in today is

that it is always in direct contact with the magma, but it would generally be something

leaves between 300 and 600 meters deep.

Dr. Riess: Oh sure. Twenty, fifty.

Wayne Weber: How do you know you have a dyke with good mineralization


Dr. Riess: By debris. By what the debris shows us on the dyke. It's here

mineralogy of the latter.

Dr. Wayne Weber: I understand. But how do you decide and what is the principle of

basis on which do you base getting water from or near this dyke?

Dr. Riess: What does the other side of the dyke show? Maybe three meters from

distance, I'm already out of the loop. I have to follow the contact zone, regardless of the

dip or tilt.

Dr. Wayne Weber: And then you drill the well, for example, you have a dyke coming

90° right here.

Dr. Riess: If the dyke appears here (on the surface), it doesn't mean anything, I have to drill (in

pointing Wayne's elbow) here (above the lower angle of the dyke, deeper

beneath the surface).

Ross Frazier: But the steam is the pressure that keeps the water in those fractures.

Dr. Riess: Correct, yes.

Ross Frazier: The pressure from the bottom is continuous. It is an ongoing process. It does not

never ends, does it?

Dr. Riess: No, no. Science is slowly admitting it. There are now twenty-eight

universities asking the government to immediately release eight million

to start drilling 5,000 meter holes to capture the steam. The steam does

means nothing at all.

Ross Frazier: But they say and admit there's steam there as steam

primary, but they deny that it is primary water. If I'm not mistaken, the vapor is from

water in another form...

Dr. Riess: Of course.

Ross Frazier: We've been saying that for forty years.

Dr. Riess: Ever since I got out of school.

Ross Frazier: Now, in terms of your work in mining, you

have found that, almost invariably, when you reach a certain depth

in these deep mines, you met this water that you describe and it flooded the

mine. And in this specific case, you didn't want this beautiful primary water.

Dr. Riess: That's right.

Ross Frazier: Because it was destroying the whole operation.

Dr. Riess: I learned what to look for so you don't get tricked into it.

Ross Frazier: Yes. And you learned that this water was perfectly usable because

I understand that at some point you carried some of it for the cook

from the camp, and he was amazed at the quality of the water.

Dr. Riess: That's right. But I had to learn mining to learn how

don't get into any of those veins.

Ross Frazier: And that's how you learned to observe minerals.

Dr. Riess: The minerals, and the metals and the content.

Ross Frazier: As soon as you saw those things, you knew the water was near.

Dr. Riess: On volcanic debris, usually not very crystalline, not very solid, not

properly crystallized, but more fractured, broken, poor and weathered.

Ross Frazier: You saw that on your mine cut.

Dr. Riess: Oh yes. And there, I know that I have a deep fracture.

Ross Frazier: And based on that, you can go another direction or stay at

away from the rising water.

Dr. Riess: Once you reach a depth of 1,200 to 1,500 meters, the pressure

water is so high that it passes through as soon as you approach it.

Dr. Wayne Weber: Have you ever seen water leaking through these cracks?

Dr. Riess: Oh sure. Absolutely.

Ross Frazier: You can get water in those cracks at pressures ranging from 40-50

kg per cm2 up to 70 kg per cm2.

Dr. Riess: Yes, correct.

Ross Frazier: With steam pressure pushing it.

Dr. Riess: No, there is no more steam. We are already too low.

Ross Frazier: The steam pressure is still there.

Dr. Riess: The head is still there. In addition, the weight of the formation reaches a material

incompressible. So the water being half as heavy as the material that retains it, which is

incompressible, it must pass through.

Ross Frazier: She's forced to pass anyway.

Dr. Riess: It cuts through the smallest crevices, and once it encounters a

vein, it passes through.

Ross Frazier: It's the principle of the hydraulic system.

Dr. Riess: Absolutely. There is no doubt about it.

Ross Frazier: As soon as you put pressure on one end of a system

hydraulic, it instantly reverberates at the other end due to

the incompressibility of water.

Dr. Riess: Absolutely. I saw this water coming so fast it was anything but funny.

Ross Frazier: So when you release that end, the total pressure that's there goes

flood the whole area.

Dr. Riess: The whole area. I drilled in these things and pulled the drill out of the mine, and guys

pulled out the drill and were hit by a heavy spray of water. Like a pipe

high pressure in the face… a small drill hole (he makes a small hole with his hand

to illustrate the small size).

Ross Frazier: And she keeps coming out until the mine is flooded and you don't.

can't see her anymore.

Dr. Riess: It never stops until it reaches its pressure level.

Ross Frazier: When the weight of the water and the pressure equalize, it stays there.

Dr Riess: The last great discovery was made in Africa in one of the great

gold mines in which I own shares. They went from a level of 1,600 m to

a level of 2,500 m by the well. Down, always lower… They touched the water and are

out! About thirty million liters of water per day which rose up to 1,500 m in the

mine and stayed there.

Ross Frazier: So this water that you find in these deep crevices is trying

continually to find a balance in its pressure.

Dr. Riess: That's right. And if you find it strong enough in the material you are drilling,

observe it. If you continue, you just lost it. She's bound to pop out.

Ross Frazier: And it's not possible to deplete the water supply because it renews itself


Dr. Riess: No. It is absolutely impossible, otherwise there would be no more water on the planet. There

daily loss of water on this planet by every blade of grass, by all vegetation,

by all that is alive means that there would be no more water in the oceans in less than 3

millions of years.

Ross Frazier: Many years ago you predicted about the oceans,

when we are able to go down there and test it, that we will find quantities

masses of fresh drinking water in their bottoms.

Dr. Riess: I never stopped telling them. It is the only source of water that we

could have.

Ross Frazier: And now when they go looking for the Titanic at 4,000m, they find

exactly what you said.

Dr. Riess: That's true. The Scripps' last expedition, at 4,000 m in the Pacific,

found a source of 8 cm from which flowed a beautiful fresh water and, a little further, a source,

or anything else, steam at 370°C.

Dr. Wayne Weber: How come, Steve? Why is there fresh water and

steam ?

Dr. Riess: Different source, different connection, different dyke.

Dr. Wayne Weber: As you said before, the dykes. A dyke here and a dyke there.

Dr. Riess: My three wells in Idaho, they're all less than 200 feet apart, and each has

a chemistry of its own. And each one of them is a big well, with a flow

important, but it is not the same water. High quality water, but the composition

chemical is different in everyone.

Dr. Wayne Weber: So the root of these different dykes goes down at a different angle. They

are all connected to magma.

Dr. Riess: They must be.

Dr. Wayne Weber: I guess what I still don't understand is why a

dyke here and another 30m away, going to the same source, and one would be highly sulphide, water

mineralized, hot water…

Dr. Riess: They don't go to the same source. They are different (he makes a movement with

his hands to point in opposite directions).

Ross Frazier: Cracks are all different.

Dr. Riess: They are from the last extrusion.

Ross Frazier: You work with the top of the crevasses.

Dr. Riess: Yes.

Ross Frazier: And the crevasses are at such an angle that going down the 40 kilometers, it

there are probable base kilometers.

Dr. Riess: They separate. They separate from top to bottom and outwards.

Ross Frazier: What you really have is a big chunk of granite that was

fractured like this (hand movement) due to volcanic action.

Dr. Riess: Not the granite. Granite is preceded by volcanic rock. Granite is a

crystallized sediment, mainly oceanic.

Ross Frazier: What's fractured underneath then?

Dr. Riess: The basic debris which is what we call plutonic rocks.

Ross Frazier: Subgranitic material.

Dr. Riess: They are well below the granite spring. They are below the basalt.

This Meyer drill has never touched granite. Never. We didn't mean to

Besides. There are a few large granite boulders like this laying on top but they

were never there originally.

Ross Frazier: So what kind of material does it go through?

Dr. Riess: Volcanic debris. All kinds of mixtures. You can't

classify as this or that, or something else. It's just an amalgamation.

Dr. Wayne Weber: Volcanic sediment that's probably been there for millions

of years.

Dr. Riess: For millions of years. A volcanic conglomerate but no structure


Dr. Wayne Weber: You crossed the fault lines...

Dr. Riess: The contact zone. And that's where the water migrates.

Dr. Wayne Weber: What I still don't understand, Steve, is why you have this

massive crack system there with the different branches coming out of it and why,

going back to the hydrothermal vents that come out of the bottom of the ocean, they are so


Dr. Riess: They come from a different source. They have a different output. It's not

the spring there for the water. This can come from further away. This can come from a

kilometer. But they are all different and end up in this flow structure

which was created by gases under volcanism.

Ross Frazier: They converge up, but they're scattered down.

Dr. Riess: Absolutely.

Dr. Wayne Weber: And the reason one is a source of fresh, drinkable,

drinkable, is that it depends on the rock formation it passes through.

Dr. Riess: Absolutely.

Dr. Wayne Weber: In contrast to the highly mineralized one.

Dr. Riess: It depends on how long she was locked up under what kind of

metallic structure. If it's been in rock for about 500 or 1,000 or 10,000 years, it

will dissolve the minerals.

Dr. Wayne Weber: So the water you may have come across is...

Dr. Riess: Originally condensed steam.

Wayne Weber: I guess what I don't understand is why this steam

condensate is mineralized in some places and not in others. where she is not

mineralized, the minerals precipitated…

Dr. Riess: The steam is going through an extremely mineralized fissure and you have a

bad water.

Dr. Wayne Weber: What determines it?

Dr. Riess: The dissolution of minerals. Water has a fantastic dissolving capacity.

Some are fresh, smooth and clean. Others are locked up for thousands

years under a metal structure. It's like that.

Ross Frazier: The dissolution process took a very long time to work and the water

now… You have what we call pregnant water, with the minerals that have

been washed away for many years.

Dr Riess: The latest report that came out claims that they have now found old water

a million years old.

Ross Frazier: The water that is good has been deposited in a place where the process of

purification is very weak or in a place where there were no metals.

Dr. Riess: Metals come from the transmutation of elements. They are not

metals initially. It is a process of constant change. A life cycle of

elements themselves that they never thought possible, but which they now know

that he is. This planet is life. Everything else goes through a cycle, like you and me.

Ross Frazier: Water first, or steam, or whatever, extracts these elements

soluble, transports and transmutes them.

Dr. Riess: Transmutation.

Ross Frazier: Then she deposits the metal again, much further.

Dr. Riess: Where the pressure resists.

Ross Frazier: And so the metals got there by being transported by water or steam.

Dr. Riess: No other way. In gaseous state. The outgassing on this planet is incredible.

Dr. Wayne Weber: Was the water that you let flow into those big mines

large part of good quality drinking water or was it largely highly


Dr. Riess: No, no mineralization. When water arrives in large volumes, there is

no mineralization. Originally, perhaps, they deposited all the minerals. Then they have

been cleaned. There was no more metal depositing.

Dr. Wayne Weber: So theoretically would you say that generally you would find a

better quality water in mineralized mining areas as we know them

know today?

Dr. Riess: In deep springs, yes. But not on the surface where there is light. And to

the surface, the first 150 meters have oxygen.

Ross Frazier: The leaching process is accelerated by the oxygen in the water.

Dr. Riess: It's so simple that even though there are still a lot of things to observe

and study, nature clearly showed us a very long time ago that the provenance of

the water is deep, not in the sky.

Ross Frazier: Well, after all, seven tenths of the earth's surface is made up

of water.

Dr. Riess: On the surface, but not in the mass.

Ross Frazier: The depths of the seas are greater than the depths of the lands.

We have ocean depths of 11,000m.

Dr. Riess: It's just the earth's crust.

Ross Frazier: Deeper than the top of Everest.

Dr. Riess: That's right.

Ross Frazier: And the water you're talking about…this primary water…fills these massive pools

for billions of years.

Dr. Riess: Yes. And it still is.

Ross Frazier: All we're doing is borrowing a little bit of that water that has

crossed the earth's crust on land instead of ending up at the bottom of the ocean. And

these waters are constantly formed by the process of magma against materials at the

bottom of the earth's crust.

Dr. Riess: The cooling of the Earth's interior. The longer the cooling continues,

the thicker the crust. We notice today that in the high chains of

mountains, the crust is less thick than in the depths of the sea. This is why

we call the Andes the Andes Cordillera because the most

known bass is andesite. Andesite, Andes. And the superficial crust there is about 2,000 to

2,500m shallower than on the ground here in the lowlands.

Ross Frazier: The thickness of the crust varies enormously around the surface.

Dr. Wayne Weber: Can you elaborate a bit more on the water temperature of the

well due to the fact that it is a little higher than normal?

Dr. Riess: Well, it's very simple. The ground temperature is around 13-14°C here.

Now if I drill water and find it to be 30°C, that means I had

500m deep. You gain about 1 degree every 30 m.

Ross Frazier: For every 30m of depth you gain a degree of heat, no matter

where you drill on the Earth's surface. So when you get water at 30°C, you

know how low you've come.

Dr. Riess: You know the surface, which is controlled by climatic conditions,

sunshine, light and atmospheric temperature. So let's say it's 14-15 here

°C and I drill 600m deep, what do I get? I get 10 times the

height, either 300, 20 times, or 600. I get a temperature 20 degrees higher. So I

should be 30-35°C. And that's usually what happens. The heat inside ends up

become considerable.

Ross Frazier: The well that you drilled in the Sinai desert in Israel, the

scientists who were there said it couldn't be found there, right?

Dr. Riess: Of course. If Ben-Gurion had not given instructions that

no one questions my work or obeys my orders, we would not have

never drilled.

Ross Frazier: You would never have found her. So Ben-Gurion was the guarantor of their

obedience, and they also knew it, and you found a well that produced how many

liters per minute?

Dr. Riess: About 15,000 per minute, but we only pumped about 4,500 or 5

000. About 4000 liters per minute.

Ross Frazier: And how deep was that well?

Dr. Riess: 350 or 360 m.

Ross Frazier: No other water wells were found in that area?

Dr. Riess: No. They drilled a lot of dry holes there.

Ross Frazier: And the area with water was very fertile, right?

Dr. Riess: Close, but when I drilled the well, it was a deep rocky canyon. But to

Nearby were the large plots of land they put under cultivation.

Ross Frazier: And as a result of the drilling of this well in Israel and the huge publicity you

received for this, and thanks to this, they contacted you in Saudi Arabia. You had

so one foot in both camps, and you get water for both.

Dr. Riess: That's true. But that's where it all started, you see. The Jewish newspaper there, the

Jerusalem newspaper, ran a two-page headline. The look they had for

find this beautiful water. But the Arabs could read Hebrew there and the next day the

newspapers from Cairo and elsewhere have let loose. And the Arabs thought these bastards wouldn't

couldn't survive, there was no water. They couldn't get out of it.

Ross Frazier: And Saudi Arabia, following some of your discoveries, made a

some natural development.

Dr. Riess: Of course, but the big problem was that the Jordan flows 100 km away.

the interior of Israel and about 25 km in Jordan. So the Arabs complained, the

Jordanians, when they put 200,000 hectares into immediate agriculture by taking water from the

Jordan to irrigate the country.

Ross Frazier: By taking water from Israel anyway.

Dr. Riess: Then it gave rise to big quarrels. In the end, it couldn't be

resolved only by the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The Jews had the management under

control and somehow they got paid, or something, and

they came up with the statement that they couldn't use this well now because

that it had become saline, because it is a kilometer from the Red Sea. And they made sure

that sticks. So the decision of the International Court was 50-50 between Jordan and

Israel, and they had to let the water flow again.

Ross Frazier: Did they mention that Jacob's well in Jerusalem was also

become saline at the same time as your well?

Dr. Riess: They got away with the wildest deal.

Ross Frazier: Jacob's well got salty along with your well. And was it

the same type of salinity? Like the salinity of pure water?

Dr. Riess: They dared the worst and they won.

Ross Frazier: But they didn't pay you for it, other than your round trip.

Dr. Riess: I was hired by a group of local Jews in Los Angeles.

Ross Frazier: You went to Saudi Arabia and found water for them?

You found water for them in their sand dunes and oil fields

in the northeastern part of Saudi Arabia?

Dr. Riess: Yes. Near the Persian Gulf. I found good water there too. Arabia

Arabia has no problem with its land. There is a lot of water in the chain of

mountains, like here. Beautiful wood and drinking water that can be carried in the

desert region. Well they had to go up there eventually and get it from springs

and transport it in jugs.

There were no more. The sources had turned because they had drained them. There are none

had more. The springs had turned because they had drained it too fast. The first king

Faisal came with me and took me up there. They had a big tank in which

they threw down their pitchers of water. But the women there, it was their daily chore to

bring back this spring water in jugs. It was their chore and their pleasure. They

met, talked and discussed. And we had this water running and I said to the prince

"With all your oil money, you'd better get that water to those

houses now. Remove this unsanitary reservoir. He said "no". I said “why?

". He said, “It would be over for me. »

Ross Frazier: Very unpopular to rid them of their daily hobbies.

Dr. Riess: He said that if we prevented these women from having their daily leisure, we

would have a revolution that we could not win.

Ross Frazier: And we see he was right in America right now.

Dr. Riess: Of course he was right.

Ross Frazier: America is proving him right, isn't it?

Dr. Riess: That's right.

Ross Frazier: It's like the revolution we're having with our women here right now.


Dr. Riess: He was right.

Ross Frazier: Trying to change custom is a bad thing to do. And that's what

that you have discovered by telling the truth about the deep waters that you have found.

Custom is about to kill you.

Dr. Riess: I am in the same situation. He came with me there because he was very

interested in relieving his people of their problem. He spoke good English, he had done his

studies in Oxford, England. And he said to me: "We are currently in the state where

we are waking up as a country, as a people. It will be

difficult. »

Dr. Wayne Weber: When you located the water in Saudi Arabia, you said that

you made it into the sand dunes. Were there any geographical features to

take into account ?

Dr. Riess: It was all the land in the basin here, and that hill over there (pointing to the

finger) was the mountain range. We went there and located a well

in the pine woods, in the mountains, which for them was weird.

Dr. Wayne Weber: So is this vegetation in very dry areas like

this one takes you to the dykes and deep water?

Dr. Riess: It's deep water. Yes. Hydrogen.

Dr. Wayne Weber: So how do you relate to one of the signs to

find these areas?

Dr. Riess: Of course, seeded deep water. There is three times more water growing

vegetation than what is deposited by rain. It's only a third of the water we can

get. Remember that if you have 30 mm of rain, it wets the ground 30 cm from

average depth.

Ross Frazier: It moistens the soil 30cm deep. She can't go anywhere. All

is absorbed by the soil. Like a sponge.

Dr. Riess: With 300mm of rain, which is terribly heavy rain for a

months, the maximum you can achieve is soil moisture of 250-300 mm. Not

more. They claim that no rain has yet been found beyond 10m depth.

Ross Frazier: That's the maximum penetration, even in very wet areas of the

Earth, about 10 m maximum.

Dr. Riess: That's right.

Ross Frazier: So the idea that deep water percolated from surface rain is

just an absurd suggestion.

Dr. Riess: Plus the volume.

Ross Frazier: And volume. But that would be an absurd suggestion even ignoring the

volume. She couldn't pass through this waterproof material.

Dr. Riess: Simply ridiculous. This article says that 750 million liters of sewage

are dumped daily in the San Diego area. Now you multiply that

by population areas. Well there's not enough water coming down the Sacramento


Ross Frazier: If enough of the wells you find were drilled here, California

could be perpetually self-sufficient in carrying water from any

other state.

Dr. Riess: That's what I mean. There is no doubt. I have the geological structure for the

TO DO. This is not a problem.

Ross Frazier: Do you think if politicians had the last word, the Earth would be

still flat?

Dr. Riess: I guess so. Because 90% of them are just scammers. They

just say yes because someone told them to.

Ross Frazier: And you know full well that all the billions of dollars that have been

spent on bringing water only brings silt from one part of the country to another.

Dr. Riess: That's right, and it's brought in a hell of a lot of money for big speculation.


Ross Frazier: Now the water that's in those canals that's brought in from the river

Colorado is water that continually deteriorates because it picks up elements

soluble from the surface as it advances, isn't it? At a pace

much faster because the sun or solar heat accelerates precipitation.

Dr. Riess: And because the water flows in open channels with no concrete bottom. Forty

or fifty percent seep along the way. That's what they claim. And then, of course,

evaporation. Naturally. There is no doubt about it.

Ross Frazier: So evaporation alone would make that water poor quality.

Dr. Riess: Yes. Now, this whole thing is absolutely childish. If there wasn't the

greed of some people, ignoring the welfare of everything and everyone, we would not be

in such a mess. If we had politicians with a bit of brains or intelligence,

or education to be sensitized, that would not happen.

Ross Frazier: Experience has shown that you have to fend for yourself and not let yourself

influence by political views anyway, and you just produce a water

beautiful, clear and drinkable from 600m below ground surface. A water that cannot come

than from the source you identified several years ago. And, in fact, you have

maintaining beautiful drinking water, regardless of whether scientists, engineers,

politicians refute this fact. It is very difficult for them to refute the fact that your theories are

good when they find your water as it is.

Dr. Riess: But it's a bunch of legislators. Eight out of ten wouldn't know what you

talk about water. They are simply told to vote yes, regardless of the party in

which they are.

Ross Frazier: Maybe they would be better able to help you if it was whiskey than

you found.

Dr. Riess: Oh, they would, of course, provided they found a market for it.

Ross Frazier: Or whatever they can't consume themselves and for which they

can find a market.

Dr. Riess: You know, you must be surprised that the welfare of society is so little

sure, when you think about it. Extremely precarious. We see it now, in this

same time, in Mexico. Take these skyscrapers in Los Angeles, New York, one hundred and twenty

floors. When they collapse, there's no way to get in there and find someone under

a pile of rubble.

Ross Frazier: Our society is very fragile. In a precarious balance.

Dr. Riess: And a lot of these skyscrapers have ten or fifteen thousand people working there.

each day.

Ross Frazier: So if an earthquake happens in the middle of a workday...

Dr. Riess: You won't find anyone. Because the pile of rubble is so high that you

can't get in, start digging or do anything.

Ross Frazier: And water systems are destroyed in natural disasters.

Dr. Riess: And the gas line breaks underground.

Ross Frazier: And so the availability of your water would be assured regardless of

earthquakes that would have occurred or not.

Dr. Riess: That's right.

Ross Frazier: And it would even be there if nuclear testing in Russia were accelerated.

It wouldn't change the quality of your water at all.

Dr. Riess: No, no.

Ross Frazier: We could survive being west of Russia's test range

simply because of this beautiful drinking water that you are able to produce.

Dr. Riess: The one that isn't destroyed by explosives.

Ross Frazier: Yeah, but we're the recipients of all the fallout from the

Russian experiences because we are on the western side of the zone.

Dr. Riess: We get the least. The Chinese and Africa…

Ross Frazier: The upper air currents flow east of Russia, so we

receive much of the fallout from their trials. But we are east of the

Russia and so we get a lot of their trial fallout, right?

Dr. Riess: No. They would have to go all the way first. Everything that comes from here passes

by the Atlantic and crosses. When they did the nuclear tests here, Russia received the

worse. They had over 22,000 dead there. In Asia… northern Siberia goes

receive a large portion.

Ross Frazier: In the event of nuclear explosions, this water would remain safe and drinkable.

Dr. Riess: Absolutely. What remained would have nothing to worry about. The only part that

could possibly be contaminated is the lake, springs and reservoirs. But you

never touch deep water. You will never reach it. Radiation cannot

not penetrate to that depth.

Ross Frazier: Can you relate to when you were young and saw

those wells along the castles overlooking the Rhine?

Dr. Riess: Well, that's when I woke up as a young man of about 12

years. It impressed me, that's all. I figured out that it took these people about 50 to

80 years to dig through all this conglomerate, the complete solidification of the

sedimentation, granite. They had plenty.

Ross Frazier: Very strong materials and they were digging through. These wells were

dug hundreds of years ago.

Dr. Riess: Well, the first well was dug around 930 AD. AD, under Charlemagne. There's

about a thousand years old. And the wells are still quite usable and the water excellent. One of the

more recent ones were dug in Edinburgh, Scotland, at Queen Elizabeth's Castle. He was

dug about 1,500 years ago in the basalt and around it there is tidal salt water

high and low tide.

Ross Frazier: It doesn't affect him at all. What is the depth?

Dr Riess: Between about 330 and 360 m deep, well below water level

salty. Salt water is just a deep marsh. Very shallow. Nor can we

put a deep vessel, only boats. The water trade must change and

it is as difficult as changing religion.

Ross Frazier: Yes, because deeply held beliefs run much deeper

than water.

Dr. Riess: On the other hand, I'm starting to see where there might be an opening. The need

of water is to our advantage, otherwise we wouldn't stand a chance.

Ross Frazier: Yes. Like our need for good air and good food.

Dr. Riess: Yes. If it weren't for the absolute need, the worry of running out of water, they wouldn't

would not spend billions to put in place wastewater treatment and all the

remains, but that is not enough.

Ross Frazier: Surface water used in parts of the agricultural areas of

California collects soluble elements at such a rate and the sprays that are

practiced pollute the surface water.

Dr. Riess: It's ruining agriculture.

Ross Frazier: Agricultural areas are being destroyed because of this surface water from

bad quality.

Dr. Riess: In a certain region, I understand that the grapes soured and must have

to get rid of.

Ross Frazier: Yeah and in another area they let the fields flow that they have

flooded to irrigate them flowing into a swamp and all life there was destroyed; SO,

as you predicted, the surface water does not improve, but becomes more and more

bad over time. But your water is getting better and better because it hasn't…

Dr. Riess: We wash it again and again and recycle it, and each time it becomes more


Dr. Wayne Weber: One of the solutions proposed by the Department of Water and

Energy to avoid certain water shortages is to bring the excess water and store it

in the wells of the San Fernando Valley. It seems to me that you will simply

contaminate all that water that you're going to put in the wells.

Dr. Riess: Oh sure, this is all stupid, absolutely stupid. We must either

prevent the population from using it completely, or slow down agriculture.

Ross Frazier: Wells you made for California City that still work

at full capacity for almost twenty years, produce quality drinking water.

Dr. Riess: They still are.

Ross Frazier: Before you drilled these wells, you were told there was no

of water available.

Dr. Riess: Well, not only that, but they stopped the California City Company from

sell land or construct buildings for five years due to lack

of water. Because they don't have a pipeline. You see, they let them fool us for

two years with the city of Los Angeles so that metropolitan water is cut off on this

line descending from Bishop. They played around and the lawyers had a good time, I

suppose, with meeting after meeting after meeting. Nothing happened. Then, we

went to water resources and they said no, they won't bring water from

the Bakersfield area there. They couldn't afford it. There weren't enough

request or receipts for it.

Ross Frazier: It was not economically profitable.

Dr. Riess: That's right. So I exploited this hole. I drilled five or six wells in there and put one

big where the government said test wells proved it was impossible,

and it was right in the center where the lake and golf course is now.

Naturally, they conceded.

Ross Frazier: How could you have made this lake without water?

Dr. Riess: “Oh, this is going to suck. Got a little pocket there? So I talked to

the water resources bastards to send me over there and I said, "You know

very well that blocked water, confined water, would immediately disintegrate by any

absorption and destruction of all mineral constituents. "Well, yeah, but there's

there's a lot of it there and you get it pretty quickly. So nothing happens there. Then,

after five years, they went to sue them in court. They thought there had been too many

publicity about it, so they gave up and gave them a permit to start

sell lots, build houses and so on.

Ross Frazier: They didn't want to go to court and admit they were wrong if you

hadn't pumped your water in five years and fifteen years later you were still pumping

some water.

Dr. Riess: That's right. We had water to waste. I had three working wells which

went to the waterfall and the lake and two others for residential and domestic use, and i

don't know what else.

Ross Frazier: What was the quality of that water?

Dr. Riess: Top quality water, and it still is, which confused them and

still disconcerts because it is against their doctrine.

Ross Frazier: Maybe they started out confused, right?

Dr. Riess: Well, they're very stupid by nature, but it upset them more.

Ross Frazier: But it doesn't upset you to think they're wrong.

Dr. Riess: No. I knew they would. It's like you and I are trying to

convert one of those fanatical Muslims who wants to bring in a truck with

explosives through a door or something.

Ross Frazier: There is no one more blind than the one who does not want to see. And you showed

these people that in addition to the bumblebee which theoretically cannot fly, Stephan Riess can

find water where there is none. But the water is there, it's flowing and Stephan Riess has it


Dr. Riess: Did I ever give you a report from Jerusalem?

Ross Frazier: No, I've never seen that report, but you told me about the sinks. YOU

had 3,500 liters per minute in those wells. But you think it was entirely a

political affair on the Jordan which pushed them to deny the fact...

Dr. Riess: Well, they had to.

Ross Frazier: Well, they felt they were being forced not to tell the truth. But then

it was too late.

Dr. Riess: They must have told a half truth, not told the whole truth. They had to say that

the wells are bad and cannot be trusted.

Ross Frazier: But it was too late because they had already advertised all over the

country and it had spread to Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Riess: But several years later they admitted at the United Nations meeting

in The Hague, the Netherlands, that the wells had become salty, by intrusion of the sea

Red. Two years ago, a lawyer from Washington investigated and he saw that I knew about it;

he had been a reporter in Washington and they told him the whole story.

Ross Frazier: Political influence can do terrible things to truth and reality.

You are pursuing, though you have found it independently, a theory that has been

started by a Swedish scientist many, many years ago, who was also

nominated for a Nobel Prize.

Dr. Riess: Yes, but he died before that. He drilled seventeen holes on the islands off the

Swedish coasts where the lighthouses were. And in this country they had a big problem

to prevent water from freezing during the winter. So he drilled those wells and he

systematically found water in the granite. These were small holes of 10 and 15 cm,

but he demonstrated them all in his theory of tidal water continuity, you see?

Well, what happened was that the Swedish scientist was one of the greatest

geologists of his time, his father was the superintendent of mines in Finland who

mined ore under the ocean beds and they had fresh water under the ocean

in the landmine. You see ? So his father kept arguing with him

saying, "Now how can we get fresh water below the surface of

the ocean ? Where is she from ? And then Otto Nordenskjöld, that was his name, started to

use his intellectual abilities and started working on it.

Ross Frazier: He died before you developed your science.

Dr. Riess: He died in 1904.

Ross Frazier: So he died several years before you started.

Dr. Riess: I didn't know anything at that time. I was born in 1898.

Ross Frazier: So the theory is still as good today as it was then.

because that has not changed.

Dr. Riess: You see what happened when we finally finished and negotiated

this damn thing and what happened to Salzman, the professor who was teaching at the time in Los

Angeles. He wrote this book with me, he followed me for about two years and the wells that I have

drawn everywhere, I didn't know I had done so much, until a verification


Ross Frazier: Eight hundred and something wells in how many countries in the world? More than

fifty countries in the world?

Dr. Riess: Something like that. He arrived at this information by asking two

Norwegian students in his class to do research for him. One of them said, "Oh,

I read that one of our former geologists was of the same opinion and that a book had been published on

him. He brought the book and translated it. He was a North Pole geologist. very famous for

his work on the North Pole. So that’s it.

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